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This website was created by a group of SMU(Singapore Management University) students (picture to the right) taking a module called Technology & World Change under Professor Gurinder Shahi .

This website aims to educate readers ( including lay-people! ) on Augmented Reality (AR). In a nutshell, AR is a real-time ‘augmented’ view of a physical, real-world environment. Augmentation is achieved by computer-generated sensory input ( e.g. Audio input, visual input, tactile input , etc ) of information such as GPS data, flight information, temperature, etc. Some of this information availed to the user would not be easily available to the User instantly but for the use of AR technologies. Roll over the various tabs above, and click on the sub-tabs that surface, to learn more about this exciting up-and-coming technology!

You can contact us at (+65) 82013622 or email us at if you have any inquiries. ​


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